
September 18, 2009

The irony “lies” in the details

When the story initially broke about Representative Joe Wilson calling President Obama a liar during a joint session of Congress (over President Obama’s claims of what health care reform will cost and cover); my thoughts were that if Wilson’s accusations are true then he shouldn’t on principle, apologize.  If they’re true accusations there’s nothing to be apologetic for.  Who apologizes for speaking a truth?  If Wilson wanted to apologize or was coerced into making an apology, my opinion is that it should have been for losing his cool in making an accurate statement.  That said:

Exodus 20:16
"You shall not give false testimony against your neighbor.

shock-20090918Instead of jumping on the Wilson outburst in Congress story ASAP, I took some time off to let things marinate for a while.  Interestingly, another incident in the political arena, fueled by events taking place in the “entertainment” industry, would soon follow and so the turn of events seems to have come full circle. 

Following Joe Wilson’s accusation of President Obama being a liar, “mr.” Kanye West, a hip-hop artist and entrepreneur, stormed the stage of the MTV Video Music Awards, just after the first award, for Best Female Video, was presented to Taylor Swift. In a turn of events that I found shocking and which appeared even visibly so in the footage of the audience’s reaction, West rudely interrupts Swift (a teenage singer), grabs the microphone from her and initiates his personal agenda by protesting in support of Beyoncé.

Galatians 5:24-26
24Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. 25Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. 26Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other.

A few days later, and to come full circle though; President Obama is recorded in a conversation overheard by President Obam's opinion of Kanye WestABC news employees.  In his response to a question of his reaction to “mr.” West’s conduct, President Obama gives his opinion of “mr.” West….

What I find ironic about these events, particularly those dealing with Joe Wilson, President Obama and the “public opinion” is that consistency and a sense of what is right seems to be missed.

As for  Wilson’s outburst; I follow the argument that Wilson may have been out of line given the circumstances under which he flung his accusation.  The flip side of the coin though is this…, as a representative of the people, is he not “right” in watching out for the interests of his statesmen? Provided that stewardship of his duties is or was a motivating factor and not one of political maneuvering.  If, that is the case, is there not a precedence of doing what is ethically correct over what is politically correct?  I’m thinking more in the spirit of Jeremiah calling Judah to repentance.

This past Wednesday a friend and co-worker left a comment on FaceBook; replying to the initial post I added about the President’s opinion of Kanye West sparking a debate.  The gist of their comment is that they “loved the fact that there’s a President in office that will call it like it is”.  As “profound” as that statement may appear, President Obama’s remarks have very little if anything to do with honesty or truth.  I note that the comment my friend left,doesn’t make a comparison of the actions between President Obama and Representative Wilson.  I however am making one on the basis of both being politicians, that have vocally expressed their opinions.  in which case I have to differ with the sentiment of my friend’s comment on the following principles:

  • What bearing does a politician’s opinion of an entertainer have to do with governing?
  • What benefit does the public gain in knowing that the President is just like “Joe average”?

Going back to my days in the Army, I recall the transition that had to be made once promoted to Sergeant.  roman_soldierBeing entrusted with duties to train, lead and develop subordinate soldiers in doctrine and military protocol, I could no longer be their buddy due to regulations against fraternization i.e. socialize, mingle, mix, consort, hobnob.  Perhaps readers will relate better in the context of working as an associate for a company and then receiving a promotion to a managerial position?  Because of the new position and authority, associations with fellow employees and conduct that may have been “acceptable” while on the bottom of the totem pole, are now more detrimental to effective leadership.  Feelings, personalities and emotions have a tendency to get in the way of making right decisions as called for by the authority given.

So it all leads me to wonder how and when did it become acceptable to think that as one entrusted to govern, it’s alright to overlook Presidential conduct that mimics conduct expected of “Joe Average”?  Was President Obama making a truthful statement or is opinion?  Other than the MTV misconduct, I know nothing about Kanye West, so instead of drawing conclusions of his character, I’ll go from what Scripture says:

Luke 6:43-45
43"No good tree bears bad fruit, nor does a bad tree bear good fruit. 44Each tree is recognized by its own fruit. People do not pick figs from thornbushes, or grapes from briers. 45The good man brings good things out of the good stored up in his heart, and the evil man brings evil things out of the evil stored up in his heart. For out of the overflow of his heart his mouth speaks.

Earlier in the
week I posted some thoughts concerning honesty in the context of personal relationship with God and with others, a case of being confronted to tell the truth,whereas with the President’s remarks, it’s a matter of someone stating their opinion.   Thoughts and commentary in today’s post have to do with responsibility,integrity, and character of those in a position of authority.  I hope it’s understood that the intention is not to bash President Obama, nor to apologize for Representative Joe Wilson; rather to ask readers to look at the deeper implications of the actions of all involved in this ironic twist of events.


Grace and peace be with you.

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